1. Which letters of the English alphabet are vowels and which ones are consonants?
The letters A, E, I, O, U are considered to be vowels; but the letters W, Y may occasionally function as a vowel as well. The remaining letters are considered to be consonants.
2. True or False: The word, alphabet, came from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, alpha and beta?
3. There are dozens of alphabets in use in the world today. Most use a type of linear writing. Name 3 examples of alphabets which do NOT use linear writing?
Alphabets NON-linear : Fingerspelling, Braille and Morse code
4. The term, alphabet, refers to a writing system which represents which 2 types of spoken sounds?
The term alphabet prototypically- refers to a writing system that has characters (graphemes) wich represent both, consonat and vowel sounds, even though there may not be a complete one-to-one correspondence between symbol and sound.
5. Name 2 types of writing systems which are non-Alphabetic representations.
Egyptian hieroglyphs and Chinese characters are the most famous writing systems with predominantly non-alphabetic representations.