domingo, 29 de marzo de 2009

MY BIOGRAPHY - Mauricio Bucarey

Hello everyone, my name is Mauricio Andres Bucarey Vallejos, I was born in Santiago, Chile, 22 years ago. I have live all my life in the same place, except for the last year when I went to Temuco IX Region. I lived there for about 8 months and worked in a Cinema but can stay longer becouse of the opportunities. I came Back to Stgo. found a good job and decided to study what I wanted since my 17. By now I`m living with my parents, my sister, an aunt and my niece... I´m happy whit all I have.....

5 comentarios:

  1. hello mauro how are you?
    I like very much.
    your blog is very funy.....I have a very nice time whit you...

    bye bye

  2. Hi dear Partner!jajajxD
    thanks for help me today in class!



  3. what's up moe
    look man cool blog
    a question is it cool to work at a cinema
    anyway see you monday bye

  4. yes... I have to admit it, your blogs is cool, but I think is like a queer blog...jaja! Joke!!
